Name: Zoltán Somogyvári, Ph.D.
Position: Senior Research Fellow
Address: Dept. of Computational Sciences,
Wigner Research Centre for Physics,
Konkoly-Thege M. út 29-33,
Budapest, H-1121, Hungary
Office: KFKI Campus, Building 6, Floor 2, Room 6.
E-mail: somogyvari.zoltan at wigner dot hu
Phone: +36 1 392 2742
Studies and Carrier
- 1998: MSc in Physics, Major in Biophysics, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Physics
- 2006: PhD in Neuroscience. Title: Model based analysis of the cortical dynamics: from single cells to networks Semmelweis University, János Szentágothai PhD School of Neurosciences
- 2002-2007 : Acting Head of Department: Biophysical Department, Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- ICEA: Integration Cognition, Emotion and Autonomy , EU FP6, integrated project IST-027819, Principal Investigator of the Hungarian partner.
Research interest
- Zoltán Somogyvári, Dorottya Cserpán, István Ulbert, Péter Érdi: Localization of single cell current sources based on extracellular potentials patterns: the spike CSD method, European Journal of Neuroscience, Volume 36, Issue 10, pages 3299–3313, November 2012. Also see the cover page January 2013 Volume 37, Issue 1
- Zoltán Somogyvári, Dorottya Cserpán, István Ulbert, Péter Érdi: Micro-Electric Imaging: Inverse Solution for Localization of Single Neuron Currents Based on Extracellular Potential Measurements Science Beyond Fiction, FET’11 The European Future Technologies Conference and Exibition, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 7, Pages 348-350, 2011
- Vilagi I, Borbely S, Korossy Cs, Somogyvari Z Cortical Region and Layer Specific Activation During Epileptiform Seizure EPILEPSIA 2009, 50:83-84
- Zsófia Huhn, Zoltán Somogyvári, Tamás Kiss, Péter Érdi: Distance Coding Strategies based on the Entorhinal Grid Cell System Neural Networks 22(5-6): 536-543 (2009)
- Fox C, Humphries M, Mitchinson B, Kiss T, Somogyvári Z, Prescott T: Technical integration of hippocampus, basal ganglia and physical models for spatial navigation. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics (2009) 3:6
- Ujfalussy B., Erős P., Somogyvári Z., Kiss T.: Episodes in space: A modelling study of hippocampal place representation M. Asada et al (Eds): SAB 2008, LNAI 5040, pp. 123-136, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
- Borbély S, Halasy K, Somogyvári Z, Détári L, Világi I.: Laminar analysis of initiation and spread of epileptiform discharges in three in vitro models. Brain Research Bulletin 69 (2) (2006) 161-167
- Somogyvári Z, Zalányi L, Ulbert I and Érdi P: Model-based source localization of extracellular action potentials. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 147(2) (2005) 126-137
- Földy Cs, Somogyvári Z, Érdi P: Hierarchically Organized Minority Games. Physica A, 323 (2003) 735-742
- Érdi P, Somogyvári Z: Post-Hebbian Learning Algorithms. The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, Second edition, (M.A. Arbib, Ed.), The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. pp. 533-539
- Somogyvári Z, Barna B, Szász A, Szente M, Érdi P: Slow dynamics of epileptic seizure: analysis and model. Neurocomputing 38-40 (2001) 921-926
- Somogyvári Z, Payrits Sz: Length of State Cycles of Random Boolean Networks: an Analytic Study. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 33 (2000) 6699-6706
- Somogyvári Z, Andai A, Székely G, Érdi P: On the role of self-excitation in the developement of topographic order in the visual system of the frog. BioSystems, 48 (215-222) 1998
- Somogyvári Z, Andai A, Székely G, Érdi P: A self-organizing model of the ontogeny of the frog’s visual system:the generation of the anisotropy. Cybernetics and System Research: 98 (ed. Trappl R), Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vienna, (317-322) 1998
Born: 1974 Szeptember 25, Budapest, Hungary
I am married, we have three children: Ármin (2000), Johanna (2002) and Magdaléna (2007)