Name: László Zalányi, Ph.D.
Position: research fellow
Address: Dept. of Computational Sciences,
Wigner Research Centre for Physics,
Konkoly-Thege M. út 29-33,
Budapest, H-1121, Hungary
Office: KFKI Campus, Building 6, Floor 2, Room 6.
E-mail: zala at rmki dot kfki dot hu
Phone: +36 1 392 2222 x1238
Fax: +36 1 392 2742
- 1998: MSc in Physics at ELTE
- 2008: PhD at ELTE on Statistical Physics
Research interest
- stochastic models, network analysis
Publications 2009
- K J. Strandburg, G Csardi, J Tobochnik, P Érdi, and L Zalanyi Patent citation networks revisited: signs of a twenty-first century change? North Carolina Law Review
- Négyessy L, Nepusz T, Zalányi L, Bazsó F.: Convergence and divergence are mostly reciprocated properties of the connections in the network of cortical areas. Proceedings of the Royal Society B
- VA Diwadkar, B Flaugher, T Jones, Zalányi L, Ujfalussy B, MS Keshavan, Érdi P.Impaired associative learning in schizophrenia: Behavioral and computational studies. Cognitive Neurodynamics 2(207-219)(2008)
- Érdi P., Ujfalussy B., Zalányi L., V A Diwadkar: Computational approach to schizophrenia: Disconnection syndrome and dynamical pharmacology. In A selection of papers of The BIOCOMP 2007 International Conference L. M. Ricciardi (ed.) Proceedings of the American Institute of Physics 1028, 65-87
- Csárdi G, Strandburg KJ, Zalányi L, Tobochnik J, Érdi P: Modeling innovation by a kinetic description of the patent citation system Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics 374(1-2) (2007) 783-793
- Strandburg KJ, Csárdi G, Tobochnik J, Érdi P, Zalányi L: Law and the Science of Networks: an Overview and an Application to the “Patent Explosion”, Berkeley Technology Law Journal, 21(4) (2006) 1293-1362
- Csárdi G, Strandburg KJ, Zalányi L, Tobochnik J, Érdi P: Estimating the dynamics of kernel-based evolving networks, Proceedings of the International conference on Complex Systems (2006)
- Érdi P, Kiss T, Tóth J, Ujfalussy B and Zalányi L: From systems biology to dynamical neuropharmacology: Proposal for a new methodology. IEE Proceedings in Systems Biology 153(4) (2006) 299-308
- Somogyvári Z, Zalányi L, Ulbert I, Érdi P: “Model-based source localization of extracellular action potentials”, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 147(2), 126-137
- Szalisznyó K, Zalányi L: “Role of hyperpolarization-activated conductances in the auditory brainstem”, Neurocomputing 58-60, 401-407
- Zalányi L, Csárdi G, Kiss T, Lengyel M, Warner R, Tobochnik J, Érdi P: “Properties of a random attachment growing network”, Physical Review E 68 066104
- Bazsó F, Zalányi L, Csárdi G: “Channel Noise in Hodgkin-Huxley Model Neurons”. Physics Letters A, 311/1 13-20
- Zalányi L, Bazsó F, Érdi P: “The effect of synaptic depression on stochastic resonance”, Neurocomputing 38-40, 459-465
- Payrits Sz, Zalányi L, Érdi P: “Use of Paralell Computers in Neurocomputing”, Recent Advances in PVM and MPI (Eds. J. Dongarra, P. Kacsuk, N. Podhorszki), Lect. Notes in Computer S&ci. Springer Verlag, 313-321
- Bazsó F, Kepecs Á, Lengyel M, Payrits Sz, Szalisznyó K, Zalányi L, Érdi P: “Single cell and population activities in cortical-like systems”, Reviews in the Neurosciences 10 (201-212)
Born:6th of April, 1975, Bp, Hungary
Languages: English, Russian (basic)