Tamás Kiss

Name: Tamás Kiss, Ph.D.
Position: Senior research fellow
Address: Dept. of Computational Sciences,
Wigner Research Centre for Physics,
Konkoly-Thege M. út 29-33,
Budapest, H-1121, Hungary
Office: KFKI Campus, Building 6, Floor 2, Room 9.
Phone: +36 1 392 2222 x3257
Fax: +36 1 392 2742

Detailed CV (.pdf, 382K)
Qualification: physicist
Erdős Number: 4 in a series of Erdős – Rényi – Szentágothai – Érdi – Kiss


2012-2015Principal Scientist, Pfizer Inc., Groton, CT
2012-Senior research fellow, Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
2008 – 2012Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Pfizer Inc, Global Research and Development, Neuroscience Research Unit, Groton, CT
2007 – 2008Acting Head of the Department of Biophysics
2007Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics and its Applications, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
1999 – 2000Physics teacher at the Klébelsberg Kunó Primary and High School, Budapest, Hungary
1999 – 2012Research fellow, KFKI RIPNP of the HAS
1998 – 1999Research assistant, KFKI RIPNP of the HAS


2000 – 2005PhD course at Eötvös Loránd University on Statistical-, Quantum- and Biophysics (PhD in physics)
1998 – 2001Physics teacher’s training at Eötvös University (BEd in physics)
1995 – 2000Studies physics at Eötvös Loránd University, specializing in Biophysics and in the Physics of Atoms and Molecules (MSc in physics)
1991 – 1995Móricz Zsigmond High School, specializing in physics


2009Travel award for outstanding poster presentation for the Julius Axelrod satellite meeting of SfN 2009, Chicago
2008Akadémiai Ifjúsági Díj (Young Researchers’ Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
2007Györgyi Géza Díj / Prize
2001Central Peak Award from the Geilo NATO ASI for Hands on Modeling
19983rd prize from Eötvös University at University Scientific Competition, Neurobiology, Simultaneous Theta and Gamma Activity in a Hippocampal Interneuron Network (in Hungarian)


Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Research interest:

You might be interested in my doctoral thesis (.pdf, 22 KB). Innen letölthető diplomamunkám (.pdf, 1.23 MB), illetve doktori disszertációm (.pdf, 2.14 MB), valamint disszertációm tézisei (.pdf, 24 KB).

Date of birth: May 12, 1977 Place of birth: Budapest, Hungary Nationality: Hungarian Marital status: Married (see this page), father of a daughter and a son Languages: English and French besides Hungarian Personal homepagehttp://www.kfki.hu/~bognor If I ever needed a Life Coach in Connecticut, I’d certainly call Charlie Chase at Structure for Support! If you are interested in lists and ordering them, keep an eye on this upcoming book: Péter Érdi: RANKING. The reality, illusion and manipulation of objectivity